Jump to : Delivery times, tracking Issues
Jump to : Plant sizes, pictures of plants sent
Jump to : Envelopes, Parcels and Packing options
Jump to : Import rules
Jump to : Cultivation tips,
Jump to : Hoya Cultivation tips, Easy and difficult species, large and thin stems,
Jump to : Hoya seeds, biodiversity
Jump to : Herbs, Spices : Your Health, Cosmetics and Fragrances
Jump to : Fun with Plant Curiosities
Jump to : Wholesale orders
Do you need to register in your country ? some imports are deemed for commercial propagation
Can you receive my order and in the next hours ship my parcel ?
How to send a personal payment with paypal ?
Find any postal code in the world
Aleyagarden location on a map
Why at Aleyagarden they don't reuse last address and packing instructions
Images taken during packing of plants shipped are dated
Risk of frozen plants : how cold it gets with altitude
We can ship parcels with reinforced cardboard
Delivery times, tracking Issues
Sorting stations of the posts and planes work during week endsDelivery times, tracking Issues
Risk of mishandled parcels : an improving situation with a better tracking ?
Is the express option for envelopes and small parcels effective ?
The steps of a journey on non direct flights are traced
Track the parcel on your own Postal Site here.
Travel is in 38 days, 62% of the rooted Hoya are restarting
41 days in parcel returned from Europe, only 4 dead plants in 37
45 days in mail, still in very good shape
France metropolitan : not an EMS destination ? Incongruities on the rate-page of the Thai post
EMS cost and options within Thailand, shown on the rate page
To be delivered faster which day is best for posting my parcel ?
No information on the tracking site after it says : " Container received " ?.
Plants to the USA : shipping with the Small Air Parcel method.
Postal parcels take the next passenger flight and can arrive surprisingly fast : a shipment to a Post office in a Swiss provincial town took less than 24 hours
Plants in envelopes to Danmark in about 4 days
Envelope of Hoya cuttings to the USA : 8 days.
Small Air Parcels to the USA : 12 days on average ?
Bare cuttings of Hoya shipped by aleyagarden in Small Air Parcels to the USA : 19 days in the mail, but still perfect.
In an envelope to Brasil Hoya archboldiana and Hoya pubicalyx bare cuttings after 23 days in the mail, are still strong.
A Small Parcel Air to Canada took 26 days : report on the state of the plants : Dischidia, Hoya and Euphorbia milii from 0 ( dead ) to 5 ( excellent ).
Fragile Hoya rooted in vial withstand 44 days in the mail.
Plant sizes, pictures of plants sent
Plant sizes, pictures of plants sent
Envelopes, Parcels and Packing options
EMS or Small Parcel Air, How many plants will not survive the travel ?
Packing by default and free options
In spite of the moist paper and plastic bag the Hoya curtisii dried
Cell decomposition and water in the plastic bag
Why do cuttings travel better ?
You over watered my plants when you packed !
Hoya cuttings shipped with stems in water
EMS service for envelopes : EMS Documents
To Ukraine two Small Parcel Air are quicker and much cheaper than a single Parcel air
Dischidia, Eurphorbia milii and Hoya in the mail 26 days to Canada : report on their state.
Aglaonema in the mail : bare cuttings, no roots, no leaves
Philodendron in envelopes : ready to go !
Gel OR plastic bag
Report from Canada with useful care and culture tips after arrival
Orders off site with calculations
Plants to specific destinations :
Low humidity in a US state in June - July
Import rules
Post offices offer simplified and ordinary customs procedures.
Does Paypal support avoidance of parcels with custom fees ?
Live plants can't be returned even with their original phytosanitary documents
Can I import live plants without a permit inside asean now or in 2015 ?
Can I get the VAT refund for tourists of the plants I purchased ?
I am in Europe, will I pay taxes, how does taxation work in practice ?
Under 150 eur commercial parcels to EU are not subject to import tax
I will buy plants in Thailand how do I get the phytosanitary certificate ?
Citrus to the EU states are not allowed
Araceae to the EU need an additional certificate for Rodolphus similis
A low value content sent by EMS deemed suspect ? The Italian customs request on the tracking site that consignee contact them.
Import permit missing in Canada 80% plants resist drying 34 days
Cultivation tips
GeneralCultivation tips
Greenhouse and plastic bags after travel
The red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus
Hoya easier to cultivate and more floriferous
Sweden : a place of choice to acclimatize tropical plants from June to September
Here tropical plant growers will find an interesting calculator of Relative humidity
A relative humidity deficit of 20% impacts plants at 35 Celsius much more than at 20 Celsius
Are all black spots on Hoya signs of disease ?
Hoya with red leaves caused by light
Black spots on Hoya leaves : fungi or pigments ?
Gibberellins reverse the inhibition of shoot growth and dormancy induced by abscistic acid
Chitosan for tropical plants : a fungicide that decreases water loss from the leaves
Xylella fastidiosa one of the most dangerous bacteria
Pros and cons in the use of gel
Hoya Cultivation tips, Easy and difficult species, large and thin stems
Propagation of a Hoya memoria from seeds, more beautiful
Hoya imperialis white : successful with cuts, even when planted with no leaves ?
Hoya monetteae, Hoya diversifolia : leaves and flowers
Hoya erythrina Nara, Hoya erythrina Bajo
Hoya krohniana, does light shape- its heart ?
Hoya identity and seed distribution
Hoya meredithii, Hoya AL6, and unknown Hoya
Hoya imperialis pink and Hoya imperialis red : how do leaves differ ?
Imperialis red, long and narrow leaves
The true Hoya wallichii versus Hoya danumensis
Hoya sp. Ban Nam Tok Bangpla
Hoya plants often praised for their scent
Hoya with visible veins or patterns on leaves
Hoya callistophylla short leaves renamed to sp Kalimantan
Hoya cembra and Hoya odorata : the leaves
Pesticide and growth booster : fermentation in molasses
Three Hoya multiflora : "big-flowers", "Thai" and "Philippines"
Flowering : why you should not cut old peduncles on Hoya
Hoya brevialata and Hoya incurvula
Fragrant Hoya flowers : hydrosol for homemade soap
Hoya thomsonii :short leaves, long leaves and spotted leaves
Hoya multiflora big flowers, multiflora Thai, multiflora Philippines
Which Hoya have the largest flowers ?
Wich Hoya have the largest leaves ?
Hoya lacunosa Eskimo vs lacunosa Silvery leaves..
Hoya obtusifolioides trimmed : I have received my plant very fast and well packed however..
Hoya lasiantha a fragile plant with a lesser chance of survival
Hoya macrophylla variegated vs white margins : pictures
Hoya megalaster, Hoya megalantha 15 days in the mail
Hoya beautiful wall plants ?
Hoya cv Sunrise and Hoya " Sunaise " , obscura x lacunosa crossing
Hoya danumensis and Hoya cystiantha in vials filled with gelled water
Hoya biakensis and Hoya sp IR 26
Hoya with red leaves : lacunosa x obscura, obscura and sunaise
Hoya gardening in bottles ?
Hoya finlaysonii : which one has the darkest veins ? Here are pictures of the leaves of 9 varieties of finlaysonii
Hoya praetorii : harder to root, smaller, more risky ... and more expensive.
Light and the red color of Hoya cv rebecca
Hoya cuttings that are less likely to survive long trips
Hoya campanulata, a fragile plant with a higher risk
Hoya plants with thicker stems bear less risk of drying out during long travels, some are listed here
Hoyas cuttings for the mail and those that have too thin stems
Growing techniques of ''forced'' plants
Hoya : natural versus artificial conditions of growth
Hoya lasiantha with black spots on leaves
Hoya elliptica with a changing color of the corona
Hoya : how much of light and pH in natural like conditions of cultivation ( nursery plants ) ?
More hoyas with names to check
Hoya oblongata, Hoya palawanica, Hoya myrmecopa, Hoya merrillii : beautiful bare cuttings coming in an envelope with bubbled plastic sheet
Hoya cv " Ruthie"
Hoya elliptica clone B gives seeds at aleyagarden
Hoya seeds, biodiversity
Hoya seeds : which medium is best for travels ?
Hoya mindorensis red star seeds : high germination
Do Hoya seeds prefer darkness ?
Hoya patella seeds germinate 52 days after collect
Lots of Hoya seeds from the same pod grow at different rates
Chance seedlings result from open pollination in nature and gardens
Growing Hoya seeds : it is not fungi that we saw through the tissue
15 days in a humid plastic bag, almost all Hoya patella seeds germinate
All Hoya AL5 seeds germinate enclosed in toilet paper.
Germaination of Hoya UT033 between layers of humid papers
Hoya flagellata seeds germinate two months after collect
True to type Hoya seeds, pure breeds and new plants
Hoya identities and seed distribution
Broken seeds in envelope
Hoya lacunosa seedlings that look different
One third of Hoya lobbii Black II seeds germinate 3 weeks after sowing
Hoya seeds : the FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions )
Hoya seeds : the Germination tests
Hoya seeds, beneficial fungi and lethal infections
Herbs, Spices, Your health, Cosmetics and Fragrances
Is your Thanaka-powder safe ?Doctors say bacteria cause 40% of back pain
Cats whiskers tea ( Orthosiphon stamineus ) active against breast and colon cancers, non genotoxic
Moringa oleifera : benefits per capsule, ideas for hides
Great-tasting seeds in healthy salads packed with flavor and crunch
Compensate for missing vegetables with tropical plant powders
Are the expensive Moringa capsules cost effective against our vegetables ?
Dry moringa oleifera and dry broccoli : their mineral content
Easily assess the quality of a natural antibiotic dried plant
No time for vegetables, I sprinkle Moringa oleifera everywhere
Acanthus ebracteatus in sweet drinks treat sore throats. Studies show more effects on tumors in mice
Clitoria ternatea extract more efficient than drugs against Herpes simplex
Wouldn't various teas be a better protection than the single Camellia sinensis ?
Salones de te and llajwa : contributions to low cancer rates in Bolivia ?
Herb - infused Honey without alcohol
Popular African spice blends and recipes
Uncooked freshwater fish and some fermented food in Thailand
Hawayij : recipe of a protective blend in saudi Arabia
Guava leaves in health products
Mosquito repellent, Moringa oleifera and Caesalpinia pulcherrima extracts tested
Hibiscus sabdariffa : Roselle tea
Tinospora crispa stems with antioxidant and antiradicals properties
Ripe durian may need caution
Cassia alata leaves in a natural quick weigh loss tea
Stevia rebaudiana whole dried leaves
Gingko biloba leaves : anti aging of the brain
Bael dried fruits make excellent teas
Soap and fragrance making : a fun activity for the kids
Make a non itching shampoo with Citrus-hystrix ( Bergamot )
Hoya : make perfume with the flowers ?
Glycerin and water added to soap make bubbles
Calculate the ingredients in soaps
Weights of hydrated Hoya flowers for distillation
Fun with Plant Curiosities
Plants.that may detoxify air in our homes
Mimosa pudica the "touch me not " plant who can remember 40 days
Black Adenium : can many seeds be available ?!
Allamanda, Mandevilla, Urichites
Mandevilla and Urichites 10 days to Russia by EMS, a warm bath of the whole plants should follow.
Terminalia catappa dried leaves : aquarium conditioners for the healing and nestling of fish.
Mangrove plants packed 10 days bare roots and repotted
Mangrove plants filtering a soft water " aquarium "
Wholesale orders
Packing plants : how we guarantee freshness, aeration, low light and fast operations
Liability, shipments that are illegal or beyond normal risks
How much does it roughly cost to ship to my airport ?
Have your freight agent at your airport dispatch the parcels : you shorten travel times, save on maintenance, decrease transport cost and reduce your workload.
I will open my plant shop, will lower prices than competitors draw me consumers ?
Should I grow every plant that I sell or specialize and trade ? Behind the efficient networks of gardens in Thailand : the Ricardo law of comparative advantage
Assessment of the transport cost for you proforma : 3 options are available.
Method of payment for wholesale orders to airports.
Minimum of order : example.
Plants available retail can be added to a wholesale order.
Plant shipped with a risk beyond normal, the question of the liability.
Terms used by cargo agents.
Limitations imposed by the bureaucratic environment of the export of plants.
Address parcels to your own name instead of your company's name
Item 40 of the Annex IV ( EU ) deciduous, dormant, differing interpretations need information by the phytosanitary office before plants are imported
Are Hoya herbaceous perennials ?
Essential words in the Annex IV understood in diverse manners : consequences.
Item 40 of the annex IV : deciduous, dormant with differing interpretations
Hoya , Fern and other plant collections are for sale on aleyagarden.com Plant care is available in various posts of this blog. Contact : aleyagarden@hotmail.com
Find all Aleyagarden posts on this page, address : http://aleyagarden-blog.blogspot.com/